Be Millennial-Ready (Part 2)

The millennials have high expectations and are critical about what we call marketing. Here’s what you can do about it.

The millennial generation are shaping the market and everything around it. Last issue I discussed the millennial generation and the importance of building businesses that are millennials-ready. This time, I’m going to discuss the importance of marketing specifically to the millennial generation. Because unlike previous generations, millennials can be a company’s worst nightmare if marketing was poorly executed. Here are a few tips:

Marketing for millennials

Targeting millennials is different and can be tricky as different segments of the market have different expectations. When it comes to the millennials, we ought to understand the things that push their buttons and thus makes them buy your product or use your service.

For starters, the millennial generation value the sense of belonging, being a part of something bigger than they are, something with purpose. Nike market their products to a community that aspire to a healthy, fit, and active lifestyle. Individuals outside that circle can’t help but want to be a part of it for one reason or another. Others market themselves to build communities with members that find purpose in volunteering and activism. Whichever the vehicle may be, a well-connected community are loyal to your business.

Nostalgia proved to be effective to the millennials. When brands connect us with the things we have forgotten or the things we hold dear to us from our childhood, we can’t help but appreciate that brand more amongst its competitors. An old Sun Top juicebox or a clip from Captain Majid or Adnan Wa Leena will surely grab the attention of those millennials.

The brand is the vehicle that helps reach our customers. We can’t build a bridge with our customers without earning their trust.  Millennials are sharp and can’t always be outwitted. They know when they are being marketed to, and that can be tricky. Brands can work around this through being authentic and transparent in their advertising on any medium. Focus on core values and aims rather than features. Coca Cola rarely advertises the way their products’ taste, instead, they focus on delivering happiness all over. Coca Cola can get away with this because they’ve been around long enough to build that bridge.

Amongst all the brands I’ve worked with in Bahrain, most of which were startups, I’ve noticed that customers under value and under appreciate those that cheapen their brand by focusing solely on features.

“The millennial generation have higher expectations. Their standards are set elsewhere, mostly online, thus expect more of what they do to happen online.”


The millennial generation have higher expectations. Their standards are set elsewhere, mostly online, thus expect more of what they do to happen online. Startups always aspire to have an online store, to sell its products and services or simply process payments, and that still proves to be one of the main challenges for businesses.

On a brighter note, one startup can vouch for having a positive experience with both, online payments and processing in Bahrain. Yazin, the founder of, tells me how he try to get his customers to pay online instead of in cash in one of our chats a few weeks ago. In fact, he had thousands of transactions that took place and were process online in Bahrain, by Bahrainis. Maybe this can help bust the myth that people here don’t like paying online.


An entrepreneur is not a job, it’s a mentality and a lifestyle. Many are becoming a bit lax in the use of the term. Entrepreneurs don’t settle for the best, they keep proving there is better. I don’t consider myself an entrepreneur but I know one when I see one.

Bahrain-based digital platform and publication for startups in the Middle East. Exclusive events, in-depth workshops, insightful content, and informative news. In strategic partnership with Tamkeen Bahrain, Zain Bahrain, National Bank of Bahrain, Zoho, Tenmou, and StartUp Bahrain.

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