Startup MGZN

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Meet Bahrain’s Most Fashionable and Iconic Brand – Sofia Al-Asfoor

Sofia Al Asfoor; a young Bahraini name emerging from a mixed culture of power and…

A glimpse of Tenmou – Bahrain’s first Business Angels Company with its CEO Hasan Haider

Tenmou is an enterprise dedicated to Bahraini entrepreneurs. An organization created by private Bahraini investors…

How did Pinkberry come to be? Have a scoop to know all about the business’s birth and growth of its frozen yogurt

Pinkberry began selling frozen yogurt in 2005 as a fragile startup and has grown into…

Meet Khutwa, Bahrain’s Newly Launched Home Based Business Program to Support Young Entrepreneurs

‘Khutwa’ which means ‘Step’ in Arabic, is the name of the newly launched Home Based…

5 Tips We Learned from the Man Who Changed the Way the World Does Business, Fredrick W.Smith

The man who changed the way the world does business Fred Smith is the entrepreneur…

Everything You Need to Know About Franchising your Business

Many successful entrepreneurs often think about expanding their business at some point. And as individuals…

The Story Behind Bahrain’s Famous Blaze Burgers!

A purely Bahraini brand that has been the talk of the town; Blaze Burgers offer…

Pre-Seed Capital: Make your Innovative Business Ideas a Reality

Do you have an idea for a product or service but not sure how to…

The 7 Secrets Behind Steve Jobs’ Success

As a follower of tech trends I have long held Steve Jobs’s career and life…

Why Choose BBIC? We Interviewed Them to Help you Get the Answer!

An Interview with the team managing Bahrain Business Incubator Center. When did BBIC start in…