Yup, you read that right. Now is the perfect time to start.
I know what you’re thinking, that the world seems pretty unstable right now, that we are in unprecedented times, and that you’re just not ready.
All of those things are true.
Things are very unstable right now. COVID-19 has changed our lives in a big way. Maybe you’re just coming out of a lockdown, perhaps you even sadly lost loved ones and are grieving. These are truly unprecedented times, and no one knows what life is going to look on the other side. And you don’t feel ready, you’re waiting to feel ready, hoping, praying that one day you’ll wake up and know how to start.
But still, now is the perfect time to start.
Let me tell you why.
- There’s never a perfect time to start
Recent events have certainly turned our lives upside down and continue to redefine our definition of “normal”, the truth is there’s never a perfect time to start.
We’re always waiting for the perfect moment to start, as if someone is going to give us a green light, or permission to take a leap and get started. I’d even hazard a guess that you’ve had these dreams and goals since before the lockdowns and COVID-related changes happened.
The perfect moment to get started is now. It’s not some time in the future. You create the perfect moment by deciding what you want and committing to it. No one gives you a perfect moment, you create it, and you keep on creating it, building results and generating opportunities as you go.
Please don’t spend your life waiting for a perfect moment to walk up and introduce itself. Go out and create it!
2. In shadows lerk opportunities
It was out of the financial crash of 2008 that so many of the services we know and love started. The sharing economy of Uber, AirBnB, Spotify and co really took off. The crisis, a need for a new way to participate in the economy, plus growing technology has resulted in businesses and services that have changed our lives.
With this crisis it seems like everything is going online. Oh to have bought shares in Zoom before this all started!
This isn’t to downplay the loss you and those around you have suffered. Very few people will have made it through this completely unscathed. But, there is also opportunity to found in the rubble.
We don’t know what opportunities will be created out of this.
It certainly looks like more business and services will be moving online. From employees being allowed to work from home even after the crisis, to everything from cooking classes to yoga moving online too.
The truth is we don’t know what life will look like, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be new possibilities inside the uncertainty.
Crises change the landscape, they redefine “normal”, they make us question what we were doing before. It can be very painful while it’s happening, but the new landscape also provides new opportunities for you.
3. What you miss by not taking action, you learn so much by getting started!
There are things you can only learn from experience, from getting some skin in the game, and betting on yourself.
Everyone makes mistakes, no one gets it perfect every single time, but the sooner you get started, taking action, and making those mistakes, the sooner you’ll get really, really good at what you want to do.
The time is going to pass anyway, we have no say over the passing of time! All we can do is decide how to spend that time.
You can spend that time getting started, and in 6 months be wiser, more experienced, and clearer. Or you can wait, and in 6 months find yourself in exactly the same situation.
There are always growing pains, no matter what you do. We all stumble. From learning a new language, to getting fit, to starting a new business. By taking action you learn. Make the mistakes now, get them out the way! So that you can get better, so that you can learn, so that you can start doing and stop waiting, and start creating the life and seeing the results you want.
These are strange times, yes. There is so much uncertainty, and many of us are grieving, be it the loss of a loved one or the loss of the way things were. There’s no denying that, and I want to acknowledge that.
But I also want to inspire you to take action, to get started so that you can live your dreams. So that you can look back on this time and it can be the start of something, so that this time isn’t only about loss, but also about beginnings.
Life is short, and you owe it to yourself to get started.