Routines can keep us healthy and sane. Some people have mourning routines to keep them productive and on top of things, what’s yours? Are there any routine in your life that help you with your work or life?

Ehsan Alkooheji, Kooheji systems

I’ve found that exercise really helps clear my mind, and allows me to focus my thoughts regarding work and life in general. I don’t have a morning routine as each day is different, but I start the work day by clearing all my emails before starting the day’s tasks.

Finally, part of my daily routine is to have one hour of entertainment for myself, where I watch TV, read a book, or anything else I feel like. I am sure to utilize that hour no matter how busy I am, in order to stay sane and be ready for the next day.

Eyad Ebrahim, Web Avenue

My morning work routine starts immediately after breakfast, I read all my sent emails and notes from the previous day and cross check with my to do list, this helps me keep track of things.

I’d start my meetings if any straight after that and I make a point of having lunch with a business contact almost daily. Other routines that I think help me, is taking an hour of silence every day away from my phone/pc and people to clear my mind and try to think of challenges from another perspective.

Wafa Al-Obaidat, Obai & Hill 

It is not so much routine for me, as much as ticking boxes, completing tasks, and reaching deliverables. I am target and goal oriented so as long as I reach the goals in a certain time frame I ensure that there is flexibility which gives room for spontaneity, last minute meetings, and somewhat of a social life.

For example I know I need to do two workouts a week, usually I try to do a sport during a week, and Friday mornings I spend at the gym, I complete one book a month, and try to be in bed at an early hour to get my 8 hours in so I can start my day early so flexibility is important in my routine.

Yazin Alrhayim, Entrepreneur

A few months ago, I read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and it changed my life.

I now wake up right after Fajr, around 4:30 and start going through an hour-long routine that involves Silence, Affirmations (read the book!), Visualizations, Exercise, Reading and a bit of writing as well.

Waking up at 4:30 AM sounds insane, but it’s amazing how the power of habit can work for you after you get past a certain point.

Zaman A. Zaman, Entrepreneur

I personally have a one-morning ritual, I read all the tech blogs and social media articles that concern my industry as soon as I open my eyes for at least 30 to 45 minutes while I have my wake up coffee.

This keeps me updated with latest trends and news reports in technology.

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