Boosting Morale When Sales Slump

What’s the best way to keep a positive attitude, company-wide? Give your team validation, recognition, respect—and meaningful perks. 

There is an undeniable link, although not scientifically proven, that when morale is low, productivity takes a dip— and then your revenue takes a hit.

Whether you are a small business or a well-established organization, morale is an infectious phenomenon. When it’s good, it’s amazing—and when it’s bad, it’s detrimental.

Like inexplicable yawns, morale is contagious. It can start out as minor, in a small team within a company, and spread to affect other teams; and slowly, before you know it, the company’s morale is low. The same goes for a small business: if morale is high, it can easily affect peers. Slowly but surely, the positive energy in the air gets people moving and working with more passion.

What are the signs of low morale? Absenteeism increases, productivity drops, enthusiasm becomes practically nonexistent, and the negative energy is so apparent you can smell it.

Before sales hit an all-time low, here are a few tips you can apply (to yourself, as well) to amplify morale.

I know Google is often referred to in the case studies of highly successful companies, but the undeniable bottom line is: their philosophy works. What can you do to adopt some of their methods? Play. Give yourself, your peers, and your employees the chance to play by providing perks like foozball tables (if space permits) or just a regular day out. Catch a movie, or go bowling. Buy a Wii for the office. Whatever it is, break the routine with some serious stress relief. Memories are created this way.

“the positive energy in the air gets people moving and working with more passion.

Make sure that a sensible work-life balance is attained. It’s okay to be a little late to work if it means you have to go to your child’s school and watch their first play on stage. Be the example, so your peers and employees can follow suit. Family is important, and should not be put aside for work. It’s a balance that is sought after and often hard to get. Similarly, some are obsessed with work and have no problem pulling more hours than others. Recognize them and give them time off, even with they don’t ask for it. A burnt-out employee can slack off and make more mistakes than a revitalized one—and this is an expense you can avoid.

Be compassionate to one another. Ask about your team’s families, their kids. When ordering yourself a cup of tea, buy one (or four) for your team. A little compassion goes a long way.

Be random. Instead of holding your weekly meeting at the same venue, week in and week out, try holding it outdoors or over breakfast at a local café. Spontaneity rejuvenates: true story.

Provide your employees insight about how the business runs. Being disengaged from it can affect their attitude, and ultimately their performance. Welcome suggestions, and allow the opportunity to speak out and express opinions. Most importantly, take them into consideration, and if one of their ideas is implemented, let them know. This will impact the way they feel about the business, and they will feel in tune with how it runs and performs.

“People are the most valuable resource your company has.

Give credit when it is due: recognize employees who work hard. Sometimes, it’s not always about financial compensation. Small, inexpensive gestures can lead to more satisfaction than monetary reward (sometimes).

This last one is surprising—make sure to keep plenty of snacks and drinks on hand. Nothing looks worse than a badly-stocked kitchenette or staff lounge. Cutting costs by eliminating free snacks has unexpected repercussions. Imagine walking into your workplace and realizing you can’t have your usual coffee. The stomach is an important organ that cannot be ignored by businesses.

All in all, there are lots of ways to help boost your revenue—and it’s not always about minimizing expenses or cleverly marketing yourself. People are the most valuable resource your company has, but can also have the most damaging effect on your business. Treat them well, and keep morale sky-high!

Bahrain-based digital platform and publication for startups in the Middle East. Exclusive events, in-depth workshops, insightful content, and informative news. In strategic partnership with Tamkeen Bahrain, Zain Bahrain, National Bank of Bahrain, Zoho, Tenmou, and StartUp Bahrain.

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