UAEU Startup to Solve Water Pollution Issues

According to recent statistics, 844 million people in the world, or one in ten, have no access to clear water. A young team of the United Arab Emirates University students-entrepreneurs has been working hard to battle the alarming numbers with its startup Zeopi.

Baraa Ahmed, 20, a Physics student and a team leader of Zeopi remembered how they came up with the idea. One day his peer was observing a pond and noticed that when a particular natural stone was placed in the fish pool, the waste and dirt disappeared shortly and the water turned blue and clear again.

The team conducted detailed research on this stone to examine its effects on water and its compounds. The final goal is to produce drinkable water, full of minerals, and eco-friendly. The startup is already incubated at the UAEU. The founding Zeopi team also includes the Urban planning student Asma Abdulla and the Bulgarian venture capitalist Iskren Krusteff. Abdulla commented:

We hope to provide the best water for our country and give something back in return for everything we’ve received. At a global level, we want to help change the world, prevent people from having to drink poor quality water, and give them the chance to live the best and healthiest life.





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